Bus Ticket from Adelaide Australia during the 1970s

By | December 4, 2018

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Bus Ticket from Adelaide Australia during the 1970s

Bus Ticket Found in Old Book

My father found in an old book a paper Adelaide STA bus ticket, from the 1970s.


On the back of the ticket you can see an advertisement for a company called Star Printing Lonnen and Clark P/L advertising Computer Input forms accuracy guaranteed.

Also love quotes on the ticket, this ticket says “the best thing to save for your old age is yourself” I still remember fondly during my childhood that bus tickets still printed random quotes on the tickets.

the best thing to save for your old age is yourself

2 thoughts on “Bus Ticket from Adelaide Australia during the 1970s

  1. Thomas Otway

    I left Star Printing/ Lonnen and Clark in June 1976 and at the time they had not partnered with Leal Printing. Leal Printing was in Victoria Square and they moved to 102 Sturt Street to be in the premises of Star Printing. I often went back to visit my old workmates and spoke to the printer using the Timpson Ticket printing press. It had 48 numbering machines mounted around a cylinder and required a very long time to re-set all the required numbers, these machines had up to 9 wheels each with the 10 numbers around them. You even had to change the letters which is the first part of the number. The most numbering machines I had on a Letterpress machine was 36 and I well remember having to re-set all those numbers every time a plunger stuck and the number did not change over. This was while I was working at Star Printing. I loved my work at Star but the money was better at The Advertiser where I worked for over 33 years.

  2. Damo

    Hi mate I found a old bus ticket same as yours but it has 20 cents instead of 90cent do you know any information on it thanks damo


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