FreeNAS 11.2 – How to Setup New Hard Drives

By | December 21, 2018

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I just purchased 4 x 4TB drives for my second NAS, so i created a tutorial that will walk you through using FreeNAS 11.2, creating the pool, datasets, user permissions and SAMBA windows share, I purposely show it not working so you can get an understanding how permissions work.

Video Guide

Hardware I Used

I use the HP Micro-server to run my FreeNas get the Gen10 quite cheap now, just install FreeNAS on a USB stick and put in your 4 x 4TB hard drives and your on your way. 

6 thoughts on “FreeNAS 11.2 – How to Setup New Hard Drives

  1. metalhusky

    I think his problem was that in Services > SMB, the GuestAccount is set to Nobody by default.
    I had the same issue, a commenter on your video pointed it out.
    So if you set up a new system maybe make a new video and update it, newbies like us don’t know what the f- we are doing, at least yet, and it’s nice to have step by step guids like this.

    1. My Random Tips Post author

      Good idea, I’ll make a new video on how to setup a new system and add these missing parts, I’ll then point the current video and link it together.

  2. pro10is

    You -really- need to update this tutorial to add the critical step you left out. Many people, including me, wasted many hours on this before reading about the missed step in the comments. You shouldn’t leave it up as is or else more people will have this issue.


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