You have made a nice music track, but notice you have an annoying white background noise, this tutorial will guide you using the free tool Audacity to remove that from your music track.

Using Audacity to remove background noise
4 Simple steps to remove white noise
Ensure Enough White Noise
At the beginning of the audio find where you hear just the background white noise, duplicate to ensure you at lest have 3 seconds of white noise.
Get Noise Profile
Go to the Effects menu and click Noise Removal. Click Get Noise Profile, click Save
Remove White Noise on the entire track
Go to select all or just the part you wish for Noise Removal. Go to the Effects menu and click Noise Removal.
Check and Save
Adjust the settings if necessary, I find defaults OK, then click OK. Listen to ensure your audio sounds right, adjust levels if required.
Get Audacity Free
My Cousin Rebecca’s Music